
This is a continuation of a recent thread about kmail blocking/freezing the 
system. See thread


My hardware

Motherboard: Asus A8n32-SLI DELUXE
AMD Athlon 64 DualCore 4500+. 2 Gb RAM
Graphic Card: GeForce 7300 LE.
2 Sata drivers
openSUSE 10.4 x86_64  (nvidia driver)

All begun after update from 10.2 to 10.3

As it has said, kmail is not the culprit because we have system freezes 
without kmail. I'm suspecting something related with graphic card, nvidia 
kernel module or X system.

It seems that graphic cards using GForce 7300 LE chip can use system memory as 
cache,  having them only 128 MB can use up to 512MB. And this is  the problem 
(I think) : When system is overloaded and the requirements of X system are 
high, something happens that freezes the system. A cache corruption? ,  
graphic card invading other resources memory?.

The problem here is that we have no log in any file about the problem. The 
system hangs and we have to reset it manually. A curiosity is that sometimes 
only hangs part of X, because the mouse and all processes managed by cron 
still continue. 

Any other user suffering of this problem?. Any light in this. I will change my 
graphic card if I can't find a solution.  It didn't happen with opensuse 


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