On Sunday 14 October 2007 11:28, houghi wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 14, 2007 at 10:24:39AM -0400, Michael Comperchio wrote:
> > Since I thread (and probably everyone else does) the list(s), I can
> > simply expand them, the I click from message to message. When people top
> > post I hardly have to move the mouse to read all the new stuff, when
> > people bottom post I have to move the mouse to scroll through (sometimes)
> > pages of stuff I've already read! It's irritating.....so I usually just
> > right click and delete those that are bottom posted.
> >
> > I never have understood the logic of bottom posting....
> Because YOU read mail in a certain way (my using a mouse) does not mean
> everybody else reads it the same way.
> Also as others pointed out, it is the rule here, so please addept to the
> houserule. See the URLs below in my sig, especialy:
> Conclusion
> The old-timers, the real experts, the ones who can really give advice,
> have grown tired of people that use any message style and shape that come
> in mind. Many just "plonk" a message and request for assistance is
> completely ignored. So if you want good advice, please, do only what you
> do when visit someones home, accept hosts customs.
> houghi
Adapt to list I shell. I just read the 
http://en.opensuse.org/Opensuse_mailing_list_netiquette link and like coding 
standards at a new job, I'll just have to comply!

Anyone know how to make KMAIL open up replies with the caret at the bottom?
Michael Comperchio
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