mop48836 wrote:

I'd like to upgrade a 10.2 openSUSE installation to a 10.3, in a laptop that does not have any DVD drive.

I may use for the installation a Windows based PC, that is not mine. This PC has a DVD drive, which is set as Master.

The idea is to boot from the mini CD (MD5 ok) in my laptop, and then to install through the DHCP-based LAN.

On the source PC ("John"), the DVD (openSUSE 10.3, MD5 fine) is shared and has a share name of... DVD.

So i boot the mini Cd in the laptop, and go through SMB / CIFS (Windows Share). All seem sto go right (entering the correct IP address of the server (pinged before: ok), taking care of the case sensitive "DVD" share name, etc.) until i get stuck at one point: when i'm prompted to "Enter the directory on the server", i try several combinations but i always get a "No repository found" message.

I'm not using any ftp server in the Windows PC, but it should work without, provided that the "directory" is entered the correct way, i think.

But what is the information supposed to give, in this situation?

Can someone please help me?


Best Regards,


i would have liked to answer directly to steve's post, but not matter what i tried, the reply was banned, even without HTML, etc. just plain text)

Hi Steve,

THX for the link. I was googling since some time and that one appeared almost always.


* Share the d:\install directory as, for example, INSTALL. NOTE - I found the installer doesn't like spaces is the path, so don't put the files in a directory with spaces in. * If you have problems accessing the windows share, install a ftp-server on the windows system and install SUSE Linux via FTP * Make a boot cd of the Internet Installation Boot Image(boot.iso) and start with it the installation


Remark that the whole idea in this method is to place the ISO CDs in a "holder" (BTW... i miss them... it could be called a burden, but my 5+1 went happily with my laptop... only a couple of times a NFS server was used as source, and it worked fine, but i don't have this possibility right now, just the Windows box).

That "holder" of the ISOs (in the case of the DVD, the ISO already "mounted" by Windows) is a SMB share.

In the example it is called "INSTALL" - with the note about the spaces.

During the mini CD boot, i can place the SMB share name: DVD.

But that's just after where i hang: what info to enter in the field just after "Enter the directory on the server"
That's precisely here where  i'm lost.

I tried windows and *nix UNC names for what should point to the directory / in the DVD, but i just can't get it right...

Anyway, thanks for your help.

Any idea would be helpful... i tried googling as i said, but this issue seems not to be well documented.



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