I have had the online upgrade running (mentioned in previous messages) for
several hours now. It is glacially slow (as predicted by a note in the
process's window). Aside from that, It has a curious behavior:

Things continue until the Total Progress gauge gets up to near 50%, then an
announcement appears, telling me that it can't find Disk 0. There _is_ no Disk
0, the openSuSE disks start with 1.

Offered the choice of "OK", "Abort", and "Ignore", I pressed "OK", because none
of them is terribly informative. That drove Total Progress down to 20% and
Package Progress Download to 0%. Now it has again arrived at the same advanced
state, I have said "OK", and back we are at 20% Total Progress for the third
time (counting from the beginning. I'm sure it will do the same thing again
when it arrives at the same point, whereupon I will tell it to abort. I'm
assuming that it will abort only that package  ("java-1.5.0-sun...") and go on
to better things while I am sleeping (which I am going to do rather soon).

Why is this happening? What is it really saying when it complains that it can't
find a nonexistent disk?

Stan Goodman
Qiryat Tiv'on

>From REAL answers on children's science examinations (#4):
Q: How can you delay milk turning sour?
A: Keep it in the cow.
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