On Tuesday 16 October 2007, Carl Hartung wrote:
> On Tue October 16 2007 01:56:03 pm Stan Goodman wrote:
> > > > Not a good example. You found the man pages, which I found too.
> > >
> > > Interesting perspective. I presume you navigated directly to
> > > 'man/' and didn't bother to explore 'DOCS/'? Is that what you
> > > did? tsk tsk! ;-)
> >
> > I'm not sure what you are saying. What I did first was to do <man
> > mplayer> from a terminal. Then I wanted to find more readable
> > documentation, and you know the rest. Why "tsk tsk"?
> Sorry, I assumed you'd used Konqueror to go exploring that region of
> your filesystem. You claimed mine wasn't a "good example" when, in
> fact, it revealed a 'shouting' "DOCS/" directory just begging to be
> drilled into. ;-)
> regards,
> Carl
> P.S. Please 'reply to' the list only. I'm already receiving your
> posts and don't need second copies. Thx!

You bring up a good thought, but not using Konq as a file manager.  In 
the URL box, you can type "man:mplayer" to pull up the html manual for 
MPlayer easily.  Also for many of the KDE programs, you can 
use "help:/<program name>" to pull stuff.  Very helpful and easily 
bookmarked for later retrieval.  I have a separate bookmark heading to 
store these in.

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