On Tue, 2007-10-16 at 22:15 -0400, Kenneth Schneider wrote:

> On Wed, 2007-10-17 at 02:09 +0200, Igor Jagec wrote:
> > The problem of Evolution is that it is not very much configurable. For
> > instance, we can't edit Reply headers, toolbars, and so on.
> This is because it is gnome based and gnome is slowly being "dumbed
> down". I have noticed quite a few packages that have a lot of the
> configurable options removed. One of the reasons I don't use gnome.
> linux is supposed to be about choice and many of those choices are being
> removed from the gnome apps. 

I really don't understand such approach.

> I may end up switching to another email
> client soon if evolution loses many more user options.

I've recently switched from Thunderbird to Evolution, but I still have
Thunderbird installed on my system.

Igor Jagec

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