
Many of you have already discovered a 'new' YaST configuration module
for configuring sshd server. Even if the initial yast2-sshd module was
written just for educational purpose (YaST Tutorial: Teaching developers
how to write their own YaST modules), we've decided to build it for
openSUSE 10.3 and make available for others too.

However, considering some enhancement requests, we've found out that the
current YaST module needs some improvements to be easier to understand,
'cool' and 'sexy' ;)

==How can I help?==
And this is where you can contribute to the development because your
opinion counts! I've created a wiki page for tracking yast2-sshd
enhancement request - a specialized wishlist. Of course, you don't only
need to file an enhancement, we also accept patches :)

Wishlist page:

* Repositories containing the yast2-sshd package
* The current YaST tutorial containing howto-yast2-sshd
* The current YaST SVN (yast2-sshd)

Thanks and Bye


Lukas Ocilka, YaST Developer                     (xn--luk-gla45d)
SUSE LINUX, s. r. o., Lihovarska 1060/12, Praha 9, Czech Republic

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