On Monday 22 October 2007 14:21, George Francis wrote:
> Hi,
> Man, it's been really hard getting information about pairing my
> bluetooth mouse under 10.3 with gnome.  I got the Gnome:Community
> vertsion of bluez-gnome because HIDD is missing from 10.3.  But I'm
> still not sure how to do the pairing using this applet - there's
> doesn't seem to be a 'Pair new device' UI control.  Anyone know how to
> use this?  I've tried reading the links off the applet's page at
> http://www.holtmann.org/linux/bluetooth/ but it seems most of them are
> broken, or don't contain the info I need.
> --
> George Francis

I haven't loaded 10.3 yet, but I have always used these two commands from the 
console as I have never found the GUI to work in previous versions.  Open a 
console and su to root, enter

hcitool scan

Make sure your bluetooth device is in search mode.  If the device is located 
the command will return some information including the address in the form of 
xx:xx:xx:xx:xx.  Using the hidd command, enter:

hidd --connect xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (where the xx: is the device hardware address 
listed with the above command.  The device should be connected.

Hope this helps.

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