On Mon October 22 2007, Jorge Fábregas scratched these words onto a 
coconut shell, hoping for an answer:
> Hello gys,
> Does anyone knows if the 10.3 boxes are already shipping? I ordered
> mine last Monday and I haven't received any shipping notification. It
> still says "Pre-Order today" on shop.novell.com though...
> I contacted CS but so far no answer :(

Thought I'd chime in here as well... 
I just checked my "confirmation" email from Novell, which I got on Oct 
5, 2007 & I noticed a couple of "new-ish" names that all generally 
resolve to Digital River.. i.e. [EMAIL PROTECTED] The messae 
lists a "customer" number and an order number ( so far so good) and ays 
what to look for on my credit card  and that I need to use the " 
http://shop.novell.com/question " page for any quetions.. 

 As one of the other players mentioned, it gives that notice :  

 *If the product you have ordered is Built to Order, you will get an 
e-mail notification when your order is dispatched.* 
says my Cc wont be charged until I have my boxed set, that I will get a 
notice before it's shipped.. and oh yeah// Good news !!!! It shows no 
shipping charge i.e.

SubTotal: $59.95
Shipping: $0.00
Tax: $0.00
Total: $59.95
Discount Total:  $5.00

oh yeah down at the very bottom of this email  this :

Please allow the following delivery times:

-  For Boxed product shipments, please allow 2 - 7 business days 
   for delivery from date of dispatch. 

- For International Shipments: Shipping charges do not include any 
  Brokerage Fees, Customs Fees or Taxes that you may be charged.

Most Omoshiroii , ne ? 

I too have heard nothing *atoll* since that first day.. when the email 
I'm quoting bits of turned up.
At least I'm said to be getting the no shipping fee" as I was 
originally. Now if the box w/ the dvd's would turn up, I'd be a happy 


I've lived in the real world enough, we're all here because we ain't all 
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