Hudibras wrote:
> El sáb, 27-10-2007 a las 21:02 +0530, CyberOrg escribió:
>> On 10/27/07, Hudibras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> First of all, thanks for your answer.
>>> My ati card is a Radeon X300 Series. Kernel When I try to open
>> You would need 10.3 stock kernel 2.6.22.
> After yast, my kernel is Is this right or it must be the
> shipped kernel with suse 10.3?

        That's what you want.

[root Rankin-P35a/home/david] # uname -r

        I cannot get catalyst control center to work either. If I run
/usr/bin/amdcccle, I get the following:

[root Rankin-P35a/home/david] # /usr/bin/amdcccle
amdcccle: xcb_xlib.c:52: xcb_xlib_unlock: Assertion `c->xlib.lock' failed.

        This is evidently a java error that is the result of the latest java
for SuSE being screwed up. According to the bug report, this is supposed
to fix it:


        But is does NOT.

[root Rankin-P35a/home/david] # /usr/bin/amdcccle

Now it locks up. (ctrl+c to kill the process)

        None of this is rocket-science. Why java got screwed up and can't be
fixed defies logic. Why the simple ATI control center, that worked fine
in 10.2, is now borked in 10.3 also strains the imagination, but this is
what Novell gave us in 10.3. If either java or amdcccle had adequate
documentation that gave you a good look at what is going on behind the
scene, then I'm convinced the folks on this list would have solved the
problem in 0.5 seconds.

        All that being so, I have been successful in getting compiz to work. It
is a phenomenal work of art.

        On my system, the radeon driver are located here:

[root Rankin-P35a/home/david] # modprobe -l | grep radeon

        I still don't know whether I need them or not, but everything seems to
be working. Check your system to see if they are present and check with
modprobe to see if they are loaded.

        Good luck.

David C. Rankin, J.D., P.E.
Rankin Law Firm, PLLC
510 Ochiltree Street
Nacogdoches, Texas 75961
Telephone: (936) 715-9333
Facsimile: (936) 715-9339
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