On Sunday 28 October 2007 01:31:38 Joe Morris (NTM) wrote:
> On 10/28/2007 05:56 AM, primm wrote:
> >> So we have a 192.168.1.x net on the lan side and a 192.168.0.x net on
> >> the adsl side of the linux router correct?
> >
> > Yes. It's as simple as that. I want some machines to have direct access
> > all the time and some machines to be controlled by the proxy. IOW I can
> > turn the Internet on or off for the proxied boxes. but still work on the
> > non proxied boxes.
> Put the ones you want to have direct access in the FW_MASQ_NETS, i.e.
>, and the ones you want to redirect through
> squid in FW_REDIRECT, i.e.,0/0,tcp,80,3128, same for the
> other.  HTH

Hi Joe

Thanks for the confirmation. I thought it was me going mad.

That's exactly what I had in 10.2 (except I had /24 not /32 as the mask) and 
what I've tried to do in 10.3. In 10.2 it works. In 10.3 it doesn't. I can't 
find anything explaining the differences between /etc/sysconfig/SuSEfirewall2 
in 10.2 and 10.3. I know there are. But it's obviously a secret.

L xxx
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