running opensuse10.2 and using smart to manage packages:

I wanted to evaluate gimpshop for the sake of a friend who was
uncomfortable with native gimp. So I removed gimp (as required, though
you may say otherwise) and installed gimpshop from packman repos. It
didn't perform as well as it was supposed to and gave an error when
trying to open almost any graphic file type (eg, jpg, png, bmp) saying
"unknown file type". So I removed it and reinstalled gimp. Funny thing
was the gimpshop splash screen persisted and so did the failure to open
any file.

Did a search on my drive for any gimpshop components, found nothing
telling, so I upgraded to gimp-unstable just for the hell of it. Same
thing. Downgraded to gimp 2.2.13 from suse repos and same thing. 

I've no idea how to clean my system of the gimpshop scourge and get gimp
working again (it did work just fine before this). Any ideas?


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