Aaron Kulkis schrieb:
> Albrecht Mehl wrote:
> The very nature of your question reveals that you are not very
> experienced with Linux, or Unix machines in general...and thus,
> don't have any idea of how complicated it would be to do what
> you propose.

This can be true, but your ideas put forward below are not the whole
truth either.

> In short, you're essentially asking how to modify your
> car so that the engine can be removed very quickly while
> your car is moving, so that you can drive around town in
> stop-and-go traffic with no engine.

I put a similar question to the newsgroup


In reply on 13 June 2007 Henning Paul wrote

  This [Linux without harddisk] is possible indeed....
  Here in our institute we do similar things. All
  computers run without hard disk.

And he asserted that 1 Gb RAM would be sufficient for running two or
three applications like Firefox or Thunderbird in a ramdisk.

The corresponding key word for having a kernel _not_
using the hd regularly is 'laptopmode'. I do hope that there are people
here in this group knowing a bit more about that than either you or me.

A. Mehl
Albrecht Mehl
Schorlemmerstr. 33
D-64291 Darmstadt, Germany |sehenswert - Relativist. Effekte
Tel. (+49 06151) 37 39 92  |www.tempolimit-lichtgeschwindigkeit.de
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