Frank Seidel wrote:
> Am Mittwoch 31 Oktober 2007 04:42:34 schrieb John E. Perry:
>> Thinking I'd messed up the KPowersave configuration somehow, I opened it
>> to reconfigure it.  _Everything_ is now grayed out. ...
>> In summary, /etc/pm/config.d, sleep,d, and power.d are all empty.  I
>> can't find any documentation to tell me what to put into them.  There's
>> a lot of text about bash scripts, being careful not to touch
>> /usr/lib/pm, etc.  Nothing about what to put into /etc/pm/*.
> Have you had a look at ?
> (in regards of pm-utils this is the documentation you probably
> were looking for)

Well, yes, I read it before I posted before.  Just now, I read it again.
 I see nothing there about _what_ to put there -- just how to do it.

>> doesn't help at any level I can understand;
>> in fact, running the advised s2ram --test says my machine is not
>> supported. is even less help.
> As long as you only want to use suspend to disk this is fine, you don't
> need s2ram-support to be able to use suspend to disk.

OK, I misunderstood the references to s2ram, then.

>> ...  This seems to me to
>> imply that it had instruction from somewhere, but I can't find any that
>> I can understand, unless it's the defaults in /usr/lib/pm (which I don't
>> really understand).
> Those instructions and setting will only tell what to do on s2disk, but
> not when to activate it.

So I understood that correctly, at least.  But where do I determine how
to trigger these scripts? (solved? later)

> I am not quite sure i understand your problem regarding the suspend
> triggering. First i thought you were having the problem that nothing is
> triggered at all, 

Exactly, at first (except for Saturday afternoon).

but now i have the impression that you try to say
> you had a suspend to disk without any obvious reasons. 

Well, no; it triggered Saturday afternoon when I left the computer idle
for several hours, as it should have.  After that, nothing I could do
would trigger a suspend.

> But regarding the all-greyed-out kpowersave i would guess there is a
> problem with the services it depends on (dbus, hal, policykit). Have
> you tried restarting those?

OK, I knew nothing about those, except as vague references in the
documents.  However, based on your comment, when I had to shut down the
computer to go to a client site, I used the K menu to shut down
completely.  When I brought it back up, everything seemed to be in
order.  I guess one or more of dbus, etc. got hung up somehow.  All
seems to be working well now.

Thanks, Frank.  This seems to have solved my problem.

...well, one thing has nagged me since I put 10.1 on this thing last
year, but it's never been enough of an issue to prod me into asking
about it.  The battery indication is completely nonsensical.  If I
calibrate the battery under XP, it performs as advertised, and all the
indications are more or less accurate.  Under all versions of suse, the
battery monitor says things like "99% charged, 15:35 hours to
completion" at one extreme, or "3.4% charged, 27:14 hours remaining".
Is this a matter of hp (on my dv6000) not providing enough or correct
information to the linux facilities, or is there something I can do to
get more reasonable indications?

Actually, it just occurred to me to ask on hp's support forum.  I'd
still like to hear from you, though.


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