Maura Edelweiss Monville wrote:
> I have convinced you ... maybe you can forward my
> snapshot to all the other Linux/SuSE gurus who think
> that I've been drinking ... actually I am teetotaller
> (no alcohol at all).
> I tried to report the bug but it's taking too long at
> filling out all the questionnaire ..
> I leave it with the experts .. I'm just a user.
> ANyway, I am surprised that this malfunctioning has
> not been detected yet.
> Usage of portable memory is quite common.
> Please, let me know about a patch or workaround.
> Thank you so much,
> Maura
> Maura Edelweiss M.

If both CD and usb devices do not work, I would think that possibly your
udev subsystem might not work (correctly).

First test with an usb Stick
-plug it in
-issue as root fdisk -l

Your usb stick should be around the last line as /dev/sdx where "x" is
some number.
If not, I would COMPLETELY reinstall the udev subsystem and while you
are at it, anything with "hal" in its name could also be a good
candidate for a refresh.

For sure this is NOT a bug with opensuse or kde. I saw a good dozen of
10.3 installs up to now and none of these misbehaved like this. In
general this simply works.

So I suspect that your box behaves "special".

Is your computer a desktop or a notebook? Are you using IDE/Sata/Scsi or
other disks? Is your CDrom attached via usb? Anything else you think
worth to mention?

Kind regards

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