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The Monday 2007-11-05 at 02:24 -0600, Carlos F Lange wrote:

I can't fire up Yast from kde, using kdesu I presume. I can "su" to
root on any console or xterm, and using gnome - but not kdesu in kde.

It seems to be just kdesu. Kwallet for root also requires the password
in a separate window and it is working fine.

I got an off-list reply suggesting to try typing our user's password instead of root's - it worked for him once in 10.2, he says.

I can't try that at the moment, as I'm right now running gnome.

I can't say since when, as I updated to 10.3 last Saturday.

It must be in last few days. I didn't use my laptop wit 10.3 for a
couple of days and when I ran it on Saturday the problem was there.

And you updated something? In my case, everything was updated on Saturday, so I don't know how it behaved previously. I think the RC3 didn't have this problem, though, but it's not the first time it happens.

If so, you could report it in bugzilla. I have just filled two reports already on different things and more are in the queue line O:-)

- -- Cheers,
        Carlos E. R.
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