On 11/05/2007 10:34 AM, Ronald Wiplinger wrote:
> 3. I used (and paid for) Babylon for translation. The free dict is not
> the same. E.g., in Babylon I hover over a word and press CTRL-right
> mouse and got a window with the translation for all dictionaries I
> needed (e.g., Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified, German, ...)
> a. Can I use my Babylon dictionaries? (I may have misunderstood that it
> is possible)?
> b. Can I get at least the same functionality back?
I use qstardict as a replacement for babylon. Qstardict is a qt clone of
stardict. When you select a word, a pop-up appears with the translation.
I downloaded some babylon dictionaries from the stardict (not qstardict)
website and they work.
However the stardict people removed the babylon dictionaries; I think
they had to...
I'm now figuring out how to convert the babylon BGL-files (downloaded
from the website of babylon) into a readable format for qstardict.
> bye
> Ronald
Regards, André
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