Ben Kevan wrote:
> On Saturday 10 November 2007 12:03:24 pm Randall R Schulz wrote:
>> On Saturday 10 November 2007 11:13, Istvan Gabor wrote:
>>> Hello:
>>> In openSUSE 10.3 with the openSUSE NVIDIA package
>>> installed the NVIDIA logo does not show up before the kde
>>> logion screen is shown. Is this the normal default behavior?
>>> How can I make the logo visible?
>> Wow. Things must be going _really_ well on your system if you're down to
>> trying to get the NVIDIA logo to display!
>> Anyway, on my 10.3 box (with a lowly 7300 card from PNY installed), I do
>> indeed see the NVIDIA logo screen every time X starts (_not_ exactly
>> the same as when KDE starts, unless you count kdm as KDE). This
>> includes not only upon each system start-up but also after each logout
>> (when then X server gets restarted and hence the nvidia device driver
>> gets closed and reopened).
>> As to whether it's the default (meaning that it can be changed at all),
>> I don't know, but I ran /usr/bin//nvidia-settings and cannot find an
>> option there to control this behavior.
>>> Thanks,
>>> IG
>> Randall Schulz
> Or you can just add: 
> Option                "NoLogo"
> Under your device section of your xorg.conf
> You can do: 
> cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep NoLogo
> and if it comes back with nothing then you should be getting the Logo if 
> installed correctly. 
> Ben
Although this is not the largest of my problems, I only very rarely see
the logo.
I think, it appears just once, when switching to compiz or back or so.
Most of the time, my X starts "NoLogo", but at the same time, I do *not*
have this command in my xorg.conf.

Anyway, what counts for me is that my X apparently works accelerated.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> rpm -qa |grep nvidia

And now back to things that are more important, at least for me...

Kind regards

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