Hi Maura,

jdd wrote:

> this mean 10.2 was on /dev/sda2
> * to get rid of the entry *in the menu*, go to yast and look for the
> entry about boot manager and delete the 10.2 entry (or go to
> /boot/grub/men.lst and remove the 10.2 entry by hand - with vi)

imho, the file is named "menu.lst", so it should be /boot/grub/menu.lst

> * go always in yast to the disk partitionner et remove /dev/sda2.
> this will wipe out 10.2.
> after that you can always attribute the free disk space to whatever
> thing you want, for example mount it in /media/data and stire there your
> important data. You can even link this folder to your home...

Or in case you do not want to use it as "simple additional space", you
need to decide what exactly you might want to do with the new free
space. Depending on your decision, you can use is for whatever you will

Decide and come back to the list. We'll be glad to help you along.

Kind regards

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