jdd wrote:
> Hello :-)
> I have a new laptop with vista and installed easily 10.3.
> May I use the vista partition from virtualbox (preferably) or vmware?
> I fear to kill it trying :-(
> thanks
> jdd
I do not know about virtualbox.

With vmware, you could have a chance.

I tried recently with XP running inside Linux on VMware Server from the
physical partition that it is originally installed on.

This works great and the response times are way quicker than using XP
from virtaul disks. Backside: Not having a corporate licenses I needed
to reactivate XP for this, since the virtual hardware differs
substantially from the physical hardware that XP sees, when you boot
with it.

I could not try with Vista and also I did not find anything about Vista
in that regard.

For a start, I used an article from Linux Mag (www.linux-mag.com) and
googled my way.

kind regards and please report back how it works and what you did to
make it work.


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