Chris Arnold wrote:
> Sloan wrote:
>> Due to a legacy situation we have windows boxes as masters for simple
>> domains, and a sles server as the master for complex domains (e.g.
>> having different views), so we have a good combination of cases -
>> forward, slave, and master. But we've never used yast to set it up,
>> we've always edited the zone files and config files with vi, or managed
>> it with webmin, 
> Hey Joe (as JMH would say)
> Care to share how you configured the slave DNS using the files? This
> should be really simply as the setup is simple in this environment. What
> files did you manage and what did you do to the files to configure them
> by hand? Thanks for any info

OK a quick example, with an imaginary domain called "" -

In named.conf add a stanza like this:

zone "" {
        type slave;
        file "";
        masters {; };

So we've specified the zone name (, the type (slave),
the name of the file containing the dns data ( and
the IP address of the master server from which we get the zone data

The server ( must be configured to allow zone transfers
with our dns slave server.

Once these files are in place, and /var/lib/named is writeable by the
user "named", restart named and the magic should happen. Look for the
file to appear in /var/lib/named, and test the dns server to make sure
it can answer requests for that domain.


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