I had a similar problem installing ESX on a compaq server, problem was that the controller board was not compatible with the drivers loaded on their distro, and there was no driver to fix it, yours sounds more like a corrupted iso, also got something like your problem, once I redownloaded from another server than the original when I got suse, the thing went back to normal

Matthew Stringer wrote:
On Thursday 15 November 2007 16:41:57 Mike Grau wrote:

I have a Dell Poweredge 2850 with a MegaRAID 518 PERC 4/DC Raid
controller. Opensuse 10.2 installed on this machine without a hitch.

However, when I try to install 10.3, I get to the point where the
install process is analyzing the system and it reports, "Error no hard
disks were found for the installation. Please check your hardware."

The only thing unusual prior to this is when modules are being loaded,
the "loading megaraid_mbox" takes forever (3 minutes or more), but
finally does appear to load and no errors are displayed. I don't know if
this takes so long because the disks weren't seen, or if the hard disk
can't be found because of a problem with the megaraid driver.

Pointers? I'm pretty much a newbie a troubleshooting this kind of thing.
All my previous installs have pretty much been trouble free.

-- Mike

Not that it helps you I've installed 10.3 on dozens of these servers without a hitch.

If you change terminal and do an lsmod are the modules loaded?

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