mattias wrote:
> Now i download openSUSE-10.3-GM-GNOME-i386.iso
> And burn it
> And try boot
> But know my system booting my debian
> And yes my system can boot cds
> But when i inserted the cd in my windows computer 
> It loaded another installation software on the cd
> I don't  know what it is


The thing you download is live CD with Gnome desktop (you just boot from
it), if you want to install a system on your computer you have to
download installation DVD from the same page you got live one. Burn on a
CD and then boot from it.

You have to create new partitions for Linux (ext and swap). You have to
make sure you know how to do that, otherwise you can screw you windows

The rest itself is pretty easy, just follow the instructions.


Sergey Mkrtchyan,
PhD Student @
Department of Physics & Astronomy,
Faculty of Science, University of Waterloo
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