On Sat, 2007-11-24 at 07:18 -0600, Steve Jeppesen wrote:
> On Sat, 24 Nov 2007 06:10:44 -0600
> Bryen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > On Fri, 2007-11-23 at 23:35 -0500, Aaron Kulkis wrote:
> > > Ruben Safir wrote:
> > > > Hello
> > > > 
> > > > I've update my kernel to get it to function with new hardware and
> > > > the modules for my eepro100 and USB mouse aren't working now.
> > > > Where is the scripts that initiate these things so that I fix
> > > > this.  It doesn't seem to be in the /etc/rc.d/ directory, or at
> > > > least I can't seem to find it with Grep.
> > > > 
> > > > Ruben
> > > 
> > > Ruben
> > > Your question is related to the thread's subject "Redesign of
> > > the YaST Control Center", how, exactly?
> > > 
> > > Don't be a thread hijacker!
> > > 
> > > If you want to start a new thread,
> > >     then START A NEW THREAD.
> > > 
> > > http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html#bespecific
> > > 
> > > "Do not simply hit reply to a list message in order to start an 
> > > entirely new thread. This will limit your audience. Some mail 
> > > readers, like mutt, allow the user to sort by thread and then hide 
> > > messages in a thread by folding the thread. Folks who do that will 
> > > never see your message."
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > Aaron... what in heck are you talking about???  The subject is Kernel
> > Update and USB Mouse as is plainly clear if you can read the subject
> > line here.  What are you jumping on the guy's case for?
> I've seen the subject line go from this;
> "Re: [opensuse] Redesign of YaST Control Center" to
> "Re: [opensuse] Kernel Update and USB Mouse on SuSE 9.3"
> on this very thread.  I think maybe Aaron was trying to refer to that.
> Steve

As long as the poster changed the subject line, I don't care how she or
he created the email in the first place.  Some people here seem intent
on attacking others for their way of doing things without realizing
what's going on.

For example, I could attack you because you clearly did a "Reply All"
instead of "Reply to List", thus causing me to receive a double copy of
your email, thus cluttering my mailbox.   However, I'm mature enough to
realize that your email client (Claws) may not support a "Reply to list"
function.  Believe me, I got attacked early on after joining this list
when I didn't know I had a "Reply to list" function in my Evolution

All day long, that new thread was posted and discussed upon.  No one
seemed to have any objections to it.  Then in the middle of the night,
long afterwards after multiple threads, Aaron came along and complained.
His complaint cluttered my mailbox needlessly.

Instead of attacking, he could have advised.  People are so much more
receptive to adjustment when advised rather than attacked.


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