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The Saturday 2007-11-24 at 14:50 -0800, Timothy Cahill wrote:

A fully configured Open-Suse build is several GB in size. I could download
these files manually, but for gosh sakes, why would anyone think one should
re-do manually what Yast is already doing automatically (dependency resolving
and all)? All I ask is that -- please, can there be an OPTION to save
downloaded RPMs locally?

I'd love to have this option BACK.

Yes, I say back, because we had that option in SuSE 8 and 9, before we got zypper and zmd et families. It was removed, and not because it was not wanted, I guess.

I'd love it because if, even if I only install two times, it saves hours of download on the second time. And I do have broadband, too.

I wonder if we could use some kind of ftp proxy to do the job? That's not a good solution for everybody, but I dunno if it is possible.

- -- Cheers,
       Carlos E. R.

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