On Monday 26 November 2007 15:01, Chris Worley wrote:
> I've been using Unix since the 80's, and prefer X's
> left-button-drag-cut (or double or triple click) and
> middle-button-paste to WinDoh's, but, these days, nothing seems to
> work.
> I mostly use KDE, Konsole, Evolution, Firefox, and OpenOffice, and
> mostly just want to copy and paste text between these apps.
> Copy/paste within the same Konsole session seems to work properly,
> but, between apps is hit-and-miss.  I.e. I'll copy some text from an
> OpenOffice editor (using left and middle mouse clicks), and paste into
> a Konsole... and it takes a couple of tries before it pastes.
> Aggravating.
> In years past, this worked seamlessly... but my last few revs of
> OpenSuSE (the only place where I use a GUI) seem to have lost the
> ability to cut and paste w/o multiple tries.
> I tried cutting a graphical section out of Acrobat.. and it said it
> had put it to the clipboard, but I could not paste into any app,
> including "gimp".
> Cut&paste within an app is not that helpful, we need to cut and paste
> between apps.  Does X need to "go back to the drawing board"?

Do you have Klipper running?

I've seen very similar behavior with some of the apps you mentioned.  
Specifically cutting a graphic out of Acrobat and attempting to paste into 
openoffice impress.  Often nothing would get pasted or else something that 
was put in the clipboard previously would get inserted.  Whenever this 
happened I found that if I clear the clipboard contents (using Klipper), and 
then redo the copy and paste it will generally work.  Annoying to have to do, 
but works repeatably.

I have recently turned off Klipper and the behavior seems much better, but 
that is based on very limited testing.

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