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The Friday 2007-11-30 at 17:07 -0800, Randall R Schulz wrote:

I will use bold type for program reponse.

Just a side note: please remember the list is plain text only: your
text formatting got lost.

Surprisingly, no :-)
I just started seeing last month that Thunderbird now
displays what is between two stars on one line in bold :-)

That is entirely separate from HTML mail. Try, as well, surrounding a
portion of text with underscores. It will be rendered by Thunderbird as
underlined. Similarly, surrounding some text with slashes will cause
Thunderbird to render it as italic.

It doesn't work on Pine.
I made the comment simply because it was difficult for me to read the text, and thought it was sent in html. I didn't notice what the asterisks were for. I have used them, too, but never so profussely.

Are you an accountant, Carlos, or a virgin ;?)

Rudeness is hardly called for. Carlos is a respected member of this

Thanks, Randall.

I certainly don't understand the sentence in question, so I refrained from commenting on it, not knowing the intention.

- -- Cheers,
        Carlos E. R.

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