Carlos E. R. pecked at the keyboard and wrote:
> The Friday 2007-11-30 at 21:06 -0500, Chris Arnold wrote:
>> How can i find the packages that were updated then back date to those
>> packages that are on the disc? I alt-cntrl-f5 to get the CL and tried
>> to uninstall gconf2 but get a slew of dependency errors.
> "rpm -q -a --last | less", for instance. But I prefer this:
> rpm -q -a --queryformat "%{INSTALLTIME}\t%{INSTALLTIME:day} \
>    %{BUILDTIME:day} %-30{NAME}\t%15{VERSION}-%-7{RELEASE} \
>    %25{PACKAGER}\n" | sort | less -S
> To install "older" versions from the DVD you will have to "force" them.
> -- Cheers,
>        Carlos E. R.

Even better is to use --oldpackage instead of force.

Ken Schneider
SuSe since Version 5.2, June 1998
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