Chris Arnold wrote:
I am using SLED SP1 and pidgin 2.2.1 and i want to install pidgin 2.3.
So, i found pidgin 2.3 on benjiweber search. I went to install pidgin
2.3 and got dependency error:
 rpm -Uvh pidgin-2.3.0-3.1.i586.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
        libpurple = 2.3.0 is needed by pidgin-2.3.0-3.1.i586

So, i got libpurple 2.3 from benjiweber search and tryied to install it
and got  dependency error :
rpm -Uvh libpurple-2.3.0-3.1.i586.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
        libpurple = 2.2.1 is needed by (installed) pidgin-2.2.1-7.1.i586

This seems to be a dependency loop? How do i install pidgin 2.3 and
libpurple 2.3?

There's no dependancy loop.

Messages appear for a reason...for you to READ THEM.

Computers are not interactive TV sets, in which only scant
attention need be paid to written
messages contain important details, which you are expected
to pay attention to.

Let's look at the messages above:

They say that pidgin-2.3.0-3.1.i586 needs libpurple2.3.0,
and that libpurple2.2.1 is needed by pidgen-2.2.1-7.1.i586.

There's no loop there...the dependance is parallel:

pidgin-2.3.0-3.1.i586 needs libpurple2.3.0
pidgen-2.2.1-7.1.i586 needs libpurple2.2.1

If you get rid of pidgen-2.2.1-7.1..i586, then you don't
need libpurple2.2.1 any more, do you.

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