On 2007/12/08 22:46 (GMT+0800) Joe Morris (NTM) apparently typed:

> On 12/08/2007 09:10:26 (GMT-0500), Felix Miata wrote:

>> On 2007/12/08 14:32 (GMT+0100) Carlos E. R. apparently typed:

>>> I rebooted without that option, and libata is not loaded, and I can access 
>>> all my partitions.

>> Now maybe the thread can get onto answering the reason why I started it, and
>> the thread subject: "does anyone know if hwprobe=-modules.pata has any
>> meaning or relevance to anything other than the YaST installer?"

> I sure don't understand your statement Felix.  What do you think we were
> trying to do?  It is obvious by what Carlos discovered by trial is that
> if the libata modules (in his case ata_piix and ata_generic) are not in
> the initrd, it boots even without the hwprobe line (if I understood what
> he did). 

NAICT, Carlos "discovered by trial" what I had already demonstrated in
http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse/2007-12/msg00810.html that
hwprobe=-modules.pata serves no apparent function as a kernel parameter for
booting an already installed system. I was trying to thwart further
discussion that seemed focused on determining something already shown.

> It is also obvious with it in the boot arguments, that even if
> the libata modules ARE in the initrd, it keeps them from loading and
> allows the regular ide drivers to control.  So hwprobe=-modules.pata
> does have relevance to more than the installer,

I haven't yet seen it demonstrated in the thread what post-installation
relevance hwprobe=-modules.pata exhibits. I was trying to push discussion to
discovering whatever might exist.

> but it is possible to
> work without it.  It may not be able for the installer to work without
> it, since you can not change its initrd.  At least that is my
> understanding AFTER the things Carlos has been willing to test.  Mine
> would not be a good one to use to test, as I use libata.

Have you guys been saying that hwprobe=-modules.pata has some relevance to
how an initrd is built?

I do have one system running 10.2 and Factory that does have both PATA
(NForce2) and (e)SATA (VT6420 "RAID") controllers, though I don't normally
have any SATA disks attached to it.
http://www.biostar-usa.com/mbdetails.asp?model=M7NCD%20ULTRA If I knew
something to try to demonstrate hwprobe=-modules.pata has some
post-installation relevance, I could.

You might note I simultaneously asked the exact same original question on the
Factory list, but that as yet has shown no interest from any devs who might
know the answer.
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 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***  http://mrmazda.no-ip.com/
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