On Fri, 2007-12-14 at 20:00 +0100, Carlos E. R. wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> The Friday 2007-12-14 at 16:28 -0000, Dave Howorth wrote:
> > It's good to know that it's theoretically possible but it doesn't answer
> > my question. "Are there any sites that have HTML-formatted info pages".
> Yes, localhost. ie, your own machine. You can tell konqueror to display 
> tem for you. Or you can use apache, too:
> http://localhost/cgi-bin/info2html

Ah, thanks for that. It looks good but when I click on any link it says:
  File IO Error
  The Info file could not be opened for reading.

Is that a subtle way of telling me I need to install some docs package,
or a bug? Either way, it's an incentive to use an external site:

> Want a remote site? Try "http://tldp.org/";

I use tldp quite often but don't remember seeing info pages there, and I
can't find any now. Could you give me a more specific URL?

>  or "http://www.gnu.org/";.

I guess you mean <http://www.gnu.org/manual/>. I've looked at the gnu
site before and for some reason have never managed to find that page.
Thanks for making me look again.

Cheers, Dave

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