On 12/15/2007 03:49 AM, Tom Patton wrote:
> Sometime after the online update last weekend, I developed problems in
> BOTH sata drives.../tmp on sda8 and /usr/lib on sdb2.  Reiser reported
> bad blocks in those two partitions.  
Sounds like a problem in the reiserfs code.
> After two tries, reiser relocated
> the bad block in /tmp, but unfortunately was not able to correct the one
> in /usr/lib, saying it was in "the reiser system section".
If this was indeed caused by the update, have you tried booting with the
rescue disk, which has the original kernel, and tried doing a reiserfsck
on sdb2.  It should have pre-update reiser code which should at least work.
> I now have a virgin 10.3 on an ide drive, and am able to mount all the
> other partitions, including two raid arrays.  I have not lost any data,
> but can not restore the original (updated) system without having
> the /usr/lib files available.  So I'm up a creek looking at re-installs
> of everything.  
Shouldn't be
> My question for the group here...well, actually two.  First, isn't it
> strange to see problems on two (a Maxtor and a Seagate) drives at the
> same time?  I'm leery of the update somehow!
That definitely sounds fishy to me as well, worth a bugzilla AFTER you
are running again.
> Second question...my laptop contains almost an identical load of
> programs, and the thought crossed my mind to try and copy its /usr/lib
> into master as a quick fix.  
Unless they have exactly the same mix of programs, not a good idea.
> However, it is an intel chip, and master is
> an Athlon...so I'm guessing there would be too many differences in the
> compiled libraries for that to work.  Agreed?  
No, I don't think the processor would make that much difference.
> Thanks for any sane input here...;-)
> Tom in NM
Try using the rescue system to check your filesystem.  If that works,
you could then copy the contents to your root partition and change your
fstab (i.e. mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt, then cp /mnt /usr/lib), or some
variation of that.

Joe Morris
Registered Linux user 231871 running openSUSE 10.3 x86_64

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