On Thu, 13 Dec 2007 23:20:36 +0200
gceruti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Folks
> I need to start getting all the household away from M$, dual boot is not the 
> way,  I would like them to load OpenSUSE and then if need be start the M$ 
> program they need.
> So some questions:
> I must reinstall M$, I cannot use a PC that has M$ already installed.
> What are the options here , wine, Crossover Office, XEN, VMWARE.
> Is it possible to boot both operating systems at the same time and then 
> switch 
> betwen them.
> Any other ideas ?.

Just trying to add a bit to what has already been stated. 
Probably a best approach is to install either VMWare or Virtualbox
using Linux as a host OS, but it appears that Gerard has Windows
already installed. Additionally, VMWare has 2 free products:
1. VMWare Player. VMWare player cannot create a virtual machine, you
can only use virtual machines that have already been created. 

2. VMWare Server. I had this running on my Linux laptop last summer.
While this worked fine, when I started up the laptop, the Windows
virtual machine would also start up. The only other issue I had with
this was that my wife wanted XP so she could use the Big Brother feeds
which required Real Player 10 AND MSIE for the login. In this case
Crossover Office and WINE did not work. Also, occasionally, the feed
video would freeze, but I think that tweaking some options could
alleviate that. Other Real Player videos worked fine in XP or native

Jerry Feldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Boston Linux and Unix user group
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