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The Thursday 2007-12-20 at 08:53 +0800, Joe Morris (NTM) wrote:

On 12/20/2007 08:25 AM, Carlos E. R. wrote:

After what jiffies did, I wouldn't.  Is this your system with xfs?  Just
trying not to offer bad advice.

As a matter of fact, I do have some xfs partitions in my system, but
not the root. Why? Do you think that clock problems can cause problems
in xfs? That does interests me a lot, because the encrypted filesystem
I mentioned above is xfs.
No, nothing like that.  I was just thinking of the effect of those kinds
of crashes on xfs.  I would feel really bad if the advice I gave caused
a crash that corrupted a filesystem.

Ah... I see.

Pity. :-}

I was hopping we had unearthed a glimpse of hope to my other big problem.

    My XFS partitions are proving quite resilient to those crashes, so far.
    I'll keep my finger crossed. The two crashes caused be the clock change
    were pretty mild, actually. The other crashes, triggered by large file
    writing to an encrypted filesystem, are much worse, because it directly
    affects disk writing, and I loose things like bash history (nothing
    serious, just inconvenient). However, the encrypted partition itself
    seems unaffected. Very weird, and no clues. No log entries.

The XFS filesystem uses some realtime routines, there is a mention of this in the manuals somewhere. I was hopping that the clock being bad could have some known effect on it. Who knows... I'll have to try cpufreq=no soon. I'll write it up in menu.lst before I forget [...] done.

(I did a kernel recompile this afternoon and I want to see if it has any effect, first)

- -- Cheers,
        Carlos E. R.
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