On Thu, Dec 20, 2007 at 11:45:35PM -0500, Bob S wrote:
> Hello SuSE people,
> 1     Right after I boot up I see my modem flashing like crazy. Is that the 
> updater "calling home"?
> 2      After awhile I get  a pop-up that it has new updates for me. I click 
> on 
> the icon to see what they are and it shows 3 updates. I say OK and the next 
> thing I know it is downloading many files. Much more than the three it said 
> it was going to get. Some I can see like kdebase3 (which it didn't tell me 
> about) and some go so fast I can't see what they are. What is going on?
> 3      Sometimes it tells me it wants to update programs I don't use like 
> Samba and don't have installed.  Why?

The number of things it lists are "patches". They contain multiple packages
to update. As for (3) it might be a samba library used by KDE or so.

Ciao, Marcus
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