On Wednesday 19 December 2007 21:37:23 Tim Hempstead wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been fighting about with my 10.3 system today and have been
> having a few issues with Grub and I was wondering if anyone knew why
> they were happening.
> I have a server running 32bit 10.3.  This system has a Gigabyte Intel
> chipset motherboard with 6 SATA ports on the Intel controller and 2
> SATA ports and a PATA port on a JMicron controller.  Controllers are
> running in their basic IDE mode (i.e. not AHCI(?) or RAID modes).  On
> the 6 Intel SATA ports there is a DVDRW, an ESATA port and 4 500GB
> disk and on the JMicron ports there are 2 500GB (SATA) disks and a 160
> PATA disk.  The 6 500GB disks are a RAID5 array (md0) and the 160GB
> disk is used for the OS.
> Now today I had to replace a failing 500GB drive, (which I asked about
> on here previously) ... this went ok and once it was complete I
> started on some other maintenance tasks.  This included patching the
> OS using online update which went wrong, badly wrong.  The update
> screwed up in some way and left the system in a non-bootable state
> with a lot of corruption of the root filesystem and fsck basically
> ended up killing the system completely, (could not even get into it in
> single user mode) ... fortunately the content of the RAID array
> appears unaffected.
> Hence I had to reinstall and I've been having problems with Grub.  At
> the end of the install process, (with the Grub configuration in the
> install screen looking correct), the system was unable to do it's
> first reboot without manual intervention.  The references it had put
> in the menu.lst file were (hd6,0) instead of (hd0,0); the former did
> not work but interacting with Grub to change to the latter allowed the
> system to come up.  Once the system was up and running menu.lst was
> edited to show (hd0,0) and then rebooted fine.  Now I can see this
> happening if the installer is picking up disks in a different order or
> something.
> But I've just finished patching the new install up to date and,
> fortunately, I looked at the menu.lst before rebooting as for some
> reason it put in the new kernel boot entries with references to
> (hd2,0).  These, as i had looked, were changed manually to (hd0,0) and
> this system rebooted fine but I was wondering has anyone else seen
> this / know what is causing this and how to stop it happening so I
> don't have to risk a non-bootable system after a future update.  I
> would have thought that any future updates would use the existing
> entries as a base for future ones?
> Tim
> --
> Tim Hempstead

Have you checked your device.map file in /boot/grub ?
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