** Reply to message from "Rajko M." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Sat, 29 Dec 2007
12:48:55 -0600

> On Saturday 29 December 2007 12:27:24 pm Stan Goodman wrote:
> > When I undo that, and get the boot sequence right, I will go ahead to the
> > original problem.
> Now is generic boot code in MBR, and openSUSE maintenace partition is marked 
> as bootable. That is why it jumps direct to boot sector of maintenance 
> partition. This is new feature since 10.2 (so far I recall) and makes change 
> of boot menu as simple as marking partition as bootable using any fdisk 
> program. With generic boot sector only one partition should be marked as 
> bootable. 
> -- 
> Regards,
> Rajko
> -- 
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I don't know what to make of this. On my system, three partitions are marked as

The failed-updated v10.2 that didn't turn into v10.3, and
The newly installed v10.3 maintenance partition.

"Bootable" is a synonym for "is listed in Boot Manager". If I remove the
"Bootable" label from any of the three bootable partitions, that partition
would no longer be accessible through Boot Manager.

This restriction was _not_ present in v10.2 (when I had two partitions listed
as "Bootable". If it exists now, it is an innovation of v10.3.

The only unique lable for a partition is "Startable"; Boot Manager is
"Startable", because it is supposed to be what a loading system starts. What
seems to have happened now is that v10.3 has interposed its own boot manager
before Boot Manager. This is dictatorial; it's something one might expect from
Microsoft. There has to be a way around that.

Stan Goodman
Qiryat Tiv'on

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