On Sunday 30 December 2007 03:53:18 am Dave Plater wrote:
> I decided to go
> along and included kernel sources for said downgrade (upgrade for my old
> )
> and downloaded the whole kernel-default- and
> source and syms (remember I once said I wanted yast to keep copies once
> and smart package manager doesn't work properly yet) .
> I then rebooted and as usual my x server didn't start. I was ready for
> this. I logged in as root and ran NVIDIA-Linux-x86-96.43.01-pkg1.run and
> it fixed my nvidia problem.
> My main problem is why did I have to do that, why couldn't my desktop
> come up immediately. 

Section "The easy way" warning in the blue box. 

I just moved warning before any version related information as it is valid for 
all versions, present and future. Sometimes, to satisfy more improtant 
reasons of computer security and stability, kernel is updated in a such way 
that old precompiled driver is no more compatible with new kernel. 

I checked X11 repository:
but there is no directory for 10.3, so advice to use hard way is still valid.   

> I have noticed various other people with, what
> seems to be, the same problem. The suse nvidia legacy drivers have a
> problem that the nvidia ones don't and I think it's just a configuration
> one, sax doesn't work anymore, is this something to do with politics?
> I emailed nvidia about their legacy driver and 2.6.24-rc2-4 kernel by
> the way, I prefer the nvidia x server configuration from nvidia. Why
> can't suse use that one.
> Dave Plater

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