Sampsa Riikonen wrote:
> yes, the "tilt" ..
> .. it was a direct translation from finnish, where
> the verb "tilttaa" exists.  I thought it was originally
> an english saying (after consulting I
> changed my mind..).
> Nevermind, we can still introduce it to the english language..
> "Computer/program tilts" = "Computer/program fails/blocks"

Actually, it's an American expression, at least.  Dunno about British
English, but after watching the rock opera, Tommy, I suspect it's a
phenomenon known to them as well. 

It goes back to the days of mechanical pinball machines, which all have
a hardware device that stops the game if anyone tries to tilt the
machine to influence the direction a ball is rolling.  Everything comes
to a stop, and "blocks," so to speak.
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