Carlos F. Lange wrote:
> On Thu January 3 2008 17:44:45 Patrick Shanahan wrote:
>>> And in case I connect it to someone else's machine, it will be
>>> mounted with however is user UID in their machine, which might not
>>> be the current user and then the permissions are not right, etc.
>> then make the owner of the partition "users"
>> ie: chmod users:users /mnt/<name>
>> and "anyone" in users can access it.
> For that I need to be root, which in the general case neither me nor the 
> owner of the machine may be. That is the convenience of the vfat 
> partition that Hal mounts as owned by the currently active user, as 
> with the "users" option of mount.
> Can I set something on my USB ext2 partition to tell Hal to automount it 
> as owned by the user?
Given that it's entirely possible to have multiple users logged in at
the same time, which user would own it?

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