jdd wrote:
> I was recently directed to the not so old page
> http://en.opensuse.org/Bugs/grub
> What should be may be set more visible is some changes versus the
> usual (Lilo?) Linux way of configuring the boot system.
> We where all told than Linux don't care about the way the BIOS or
> Windows boot, specially ignore the "boot" flag of the partitions, when
> Windows dont.
> I think it should be usefull to write (and advertise) a page "booting
> Linux" or "booting openSUSE" with the relevant part of the quoted page
> (and other) - I can do if it's not already done.
> As a brief summary:
> * the MBR should be generic and YaST can write one (how??)
> * GRUB should not be written in the MBR (this should be visible from
> the YaST page!)
> * GRUB (stage1) should be written in a primary partition. There is
> always at least one on a disk, even if this one is the extended one.
> * YaST makes a very good job as boot loader install
> what must be said is that the latter is not completely true. I don't
> know if it's a bug or a feature :-(, nor if this is still the case on
> openSUSE 11, but when you are on the YaST page where you setup the
> place where GRUB is installed, one can clic several options
> altogether, but not all are written or the work is not clear :-()
> specially, I spend some time now working on installs to an USB key.
> I work to an other drive (not the first HDD) and don't want the first
> HDD to take track of this install
> the quoted page don't say really how GRUB manage this. This is
> probably a BIOS problem, but I don't want to discuss this here and
> now, it's OT on this thread
> jdd
    I would very much like to see this type of info, the more detailed
the explanation, the better. If you can write such a page, you
definitely have my vote.

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