Carlos E. R. schreef::
> The Sunday 2008-01-13 at 12:51 +0100, Michael Skiba wrote:
>>> Why? That's $10^5... that's... that's a high salary for 33 years! I
>>> don't
>>> understand.
>> At least for one developer, that's true - but an LTS version, needs
>> more than
>> one developer, it needs a whole developer team and even then it has do
>> sell
>> 10'000 units, which frankly I doubt it will.. :/
> Yes, that's true.
> However, I would be enchanted if some old versions of the distro were
> still maintained somewhat - the 7.3 one, for instance: it is very good
> on old hardware.
> -- Cheers,
>        Carlos E. R.

Hi folks,
What a discussion !!!
I find the strongest point of OpenSuse that you are on the bleeding edge of the
software development.
I can always experience the newest software paths leading to future.
The other side of this medal is that there are much changes and parts that are
thrown away.
This automaticly gives a short support time (there happens too much in a few
If you want a long support time then you have to choose for a distribution what
thakes and keeps only the best, that means a changemanagementfilosofie based on
the long term ( a bit conservative).
And thats another choice than OpenSuse.

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