On Sunday 13 January 2008 08:52:57 am Frank Fiene wrote:
> On Sonntag 13 Januar 2008, Basil Chupin wrote:
> > Frank Fiene wrote:
> >
> > You will, of course, get the usual responses stating that everything
> > works well for 'them' so the problem obviously is with your set-up
> > and, therefore, you should submit a bugzilla, detailing everything,
> > including the size of your shoes, before anyone considers your
> > 'complaint' even worthy of attention.
> >
> > Having stated this, I thank you for your message and have concluded
> > that much passage of time will have to occur before I even consider
> > trying to install KDE4 :-) .
> Yes it seems to be no one klick installation yet.
> There are many good ideas like desktop icons configuring like an mini
> application. I like also the new kcontrol. But this is all KDE4, it
> will be a big improvement but the openSUSE packages are far away from
> usuable if you have to use kmail, kopete etc.

To disappoint Basil, this time the answer is different.

This is first release in KDE4 series and it is created just as any before, 
under common opensource development idea to release software often. In the 
opensource world there is no test lab, and there is no finished product idea 
as functionality is added on the go, not by customer or marketing department 

What confused many, including me, is the version addon like Beta, than RC that 
I deciphered in the same way as openSUSE Beta or RC. I have forgotten that 
open source has no common standards for version numbering, that will 
associate certain features and code quality to the number. 

For instance k3b in openSUSE 10.3 is now version 1.03 and it is fine software 
for a long time before it was 1.0. 
Smart is 0.51 and already works fine. Each developer gives numbers as he/she 
finds fit, so one has to ask developer for explanation, or simply try 
software and see the features, not to assume from number what is included.

More details you can find in http://en.opensuse.org/KDE4 title 'What to expect 
of KDE 4.0'. They provide 3 links to articles that explain how KDE developers 
see the version numbering

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