Per Jessen wrote:
Aaron Kulkis wrote:

Rodents are a real sanitation problem, even when
they aren't carrying disease-infested parasites.

Now we are defintely going OT :-)

A rat infestation is a problem that needs dealing with, but rodents are
not generally a sanitation problem.

Dried rodent droppings turn to dust, and then can
cause some nasty lung infections.  I can't remember
the name of the particular virus, but there's no
medications to treat it (antibiotics don't work
against viruses, only bacteria and the like).

>  We have mice in our
kompost-containers, probably 3-4 families, maybe 30-40 in total. They
move in after harvest (a while ago by now), and pretty much live off
our bio-degradable waste.

In the trash..that's not a problem... there's enough
moisture to keep the rat droppings from turning
to dusty powder AND they powdered dust isn't inside
an enclosed housing structure.

And...the argument can be made that the rats are
speeding up the biodegradation process.

>  In return the local cats live off them :-)

good for the cats, I suppose.

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