On 01/16/2008 08:07 AM, Carlos E. R. wrote:

The Wednesday 2008-01-16 at 07:45 +0800, Joe Morris (NTM) wrote:

>> A mail is scanned, then it stops for some seconds (almost no cpu usage) >> then it continues. It takes around 8 seconds per single email to check. I
>>  think it is querying some of the network databases that is slow.
> I believe that is the problem.  Try commenting out
> #  Enhance the uridnsbl_skip_domain list with some usefull entries
> #  Do not block the web-sites of Novell and SUSE
> ifplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL
> uridnsbl_skip_domain suse.de opensuse.org suse.com suse.org
> uridnsbl_skip_domain novell.com novell.org novell.ru novell.de novell.hu novell.co.uk
> endif   # Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL

> in /etc/mail/spammassassin/local.cf.  HTH.

That does not disable that network test, and there are many other network tests. What it does is telling SA not to consider opensuse.org as a spammer site; ie, without those lines, opensuse.org will count as spammer.

Besides, I do not want to disable network tests, they are quite useful. what I want is to analyze more emails at the same time.
Commenting out
ifplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL
will disable that plugin, which will stop the blacklist check, which on my systems get a lot of failures or slow DNS lookups. It does only that. It does not disable all network tests.
Joe Morris
Registered Linux user 231871 running openSUSE 10.3 x86_64

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