Jim Cunning wrote:
On Wednesday 16 January 2008 20:19:57 David C. Rankin wrote:

        Someone more clever than I must surely have solved this. How can I set
through .bashrc or some other more secure way, the ability to alias "su"
with its password so I don't have to type my root password every time I
su. I have a very secure pw that is a bear to type 50 times a day.

alias su='su; <password>' or
alias su='su root <password>' or
alias su='su root; <password>'

        Don't work. It almost looks like it would take a separate script to
handle the "Password: " chat that su returns. Does anyone have a
solution for this?

You want 'sudo'.  It is configurable to select which commands can be
run as root, even "ALL" if you choose. In the default setup,you
have to enter the root password, but your own user password instead,
or none at all if you think your user password is secure enough.

that makes absolutely ZERO sense.

If his password is insecure to an outsider, then forcing an
intruder to type it a 2nd time for sudo access is still just
as insecure.

The no-password option should NEVER be used for sudo.
it's just asking for trouble when some random bozo
walks up to your desk while you're in a meeting.

It will remember for a brief, configurable period of time that you entered your password, and will allow succeeding commands to be run without re-entering it.

If you want to start a root bash shell, instead of entering 'su -' and entering the root password, enter 'sudo -i' and enter (in the default configuration) your user password.

See 'man sudo' and 'man sudoers'


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