On Wed, 2008-01-16 at 21:12 -0800, Randall R Schulz wrote:
> On Wednesday 16 January 2008 20:19, David C. Rankin wrote:
> > Listmates,
> >

> Even better (this is what I do), open a separate tab (or two) in Konsole 
> in which you run a root shell and leave it run permanently. You just 
> switch to that tab and run commands that require root privileges. I use 
> a different Konsole "scheme" (color pattern) to give me a visual cue 
> about which kind of shell I'm interacting with. Konsole also shows a 
> distinctive tab icon for root shells.

> Randall Schulz

that _may_ be safe enough for you behind a locked KDE screen, but please
don't try that concept at an alternate (f3 etc) tty.  Even if your f7 is
in screen lock, a simple switch to f3 (if you had a root parked there)
would be devastating to your day.

Tom in NM

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