On Sunday 20 January 2008 18:41:26 Aaron Kulkis wrote:
> Rodney Baker wrote:
> > On Sunday 20 January 2008 17:01:41 David C. Rankin wrote:
> >> Listmates,
> >>
> >>    After finding some interesting information in the .bashrc tips at
> >> http://www.novell.com/coolsolutions/tools/17142.html, I adapted the
> >> welcome screen idea to capture useful system information on login. I
> >> have to admit, the colors made it pretty cool. (I'm easily amused
> >> tonight)
> >> [...]
> >
> > Thanks for sharing this David. I gave it a try on my system at home but
> > it threw a syntax error on the following line...
> >
> >> echo -ne "${lightblue}Uptime for:${green} $HOSTNAME ${lightblue}is
> >> ${cyan}";uptime | awk /'up/ {print $3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10}'
> >> }
> >
> > Not being familiar with awk, I played around a bit but ended up just
> > deleting everything from the pipe onwards.
> >
> > Very useful script though. Thanks again.
> >
> > Regards,
> Try this:
> echo -ne "${lightblue}Uptime for:${green} $HOSTNAME ${lightblue}is\
> ${cyan}";uptime | awk /'up/ {print $3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10}'
> }
> The problem is that the original code spanned more than
> one line, and wrapped around.

Aaargh! Thanks, Aaron. Good catch. I never thought about word wrap. It just 
happened that that was the only line in the script long enough to be 

> When you did your cut & paste, the line AS DISPLAYED had
> a hidden embedded carriage return, which was not in the
> original code.

Yep - getting rid of the extra CR did the trick. Your suggestion also worked 
of course (standard bash line splitting).

> The way to fight that is, when posting code which goes on
> for more than one line, put a \as the last character
> on the line.... (which effectively turns the carriage
> return into a space)
> I noticed similar problems in the code that is on the
> suse page referenced by David.  The author looks to be
> experienced enough to know about the \ trick, so it's
> kind of annoying that he posted all the code in the
> manner that he did -- it's not like this hasn't been
> around since the 1970's.
> Hope that helps.

Definitely. Thanks again.


Rodney Baker VK5ZTV
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