David C. Rankin wrote:
Kain, Becki (B.) wrote:
Hi folks:
I can't find a good write up of the options of PermitRootLogin - yes,
 no, without-passwd, etc...  Can someone point me in the right

There is a very valid and good reason you CAN'T! This is a very bad idea, see the better way below - but, at your own risk:

To setup login without a password:

In your home directory

cd .ssh
ssh-keygen -t dsa (hit return twice for no password)
cp id_dsa.pub id_dsa.pub.newname (prevents overwriting id_dsa.pub on remote machine) cp or scp id_dsa.pub.newname to /root/.ssh of the machine you have allowed root logins on (Not a good or secure idea - nevertheless)
login to that machine
as root, cd /root/.ssh
cat id_dsa.pub.newname >> authorized_keys
ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] should now work without a password

(I repeat, allowing root ssh access is NOT a good idea.)

A far better way if you need to conduct business as root over ssh is to:

    On the machine the operations need to be done as root

    as root
    cd /root/.ssh
    ssh-keygen -t dsa
cp id_dsa.pub id_dsa.pub.othernewname (I usually append the host name as othernewname)
    scp id_dsa.pub.othernewname [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/.ssh
On the machine that doesn't need operations as root

    cd ~/.ssh
    cat id_dsa.pub.othernewname >> authorized_keys

Now you can execute any script as root requiring root privileges on that machine, and as root ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] without a password and pull any data you need to over without ever permitting a root ssh login. On the non-root machine, you may have to give the specific user access to files needed by adding them to a few groups in /etc/group like wwwrun, mail, etc. and you may need to set the group ownership on the needed files and directories, but this is far better that gift wrapping a root exploit to all the script kiddies that will try for ever to root your box over ssh. They only have to succeed once and you are screwed!

And fired.

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