On Tuesday 22 January 2008 15:29, peter wrote:
> Hi hackers
> Thx to all who replied. I've found a solution in the documentaiton of
> pure ftp:
> pure-pw useradd
> "The "-z" option allow an user to connect only during a range of day
> time. For instance, with -z 0900-1800, joe will only be able to connect
> from 9 am to 18 pm. Warning: an user that connected during authorized
> hours can finish his session after these authorized hours."
> The last warning ain't that good but I think I can live with it.
> Cheers
> pete
> --
> All the best, Peter J. N.
> aedon DESIGNS
> http://www.hochzeitsbuch.info
> http://www.hochzeitsbuch.selfip.com

Make a cron job to force user ofline outside hours?


web     : http://www.rikjoh.com
mob:    : +46 (0)763 19 76 25
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